Loyola College of Education Chennai (2007)


Loyola College of Education Loyola Campus, Chennai - 600 034 Tamil Nadu, India 044 - 28178430, 28178416 lcoechennai@gmail.com www.loyolacollegeofeducation.in


To provide an integral formation and professional development of principled and value-oriented prospective teachers


To form prospective teachers of compassion, competence, conscientious, creativity and commitment for others in an atmosphere of intellectual verve and moral integrity dedicated to the development of a more just social order

Option Groups

First Generation Learners / Dalits / Orphans / Differently-abled / Refugees / Migrants / Gypsy / Economically Poor and Vulnerable Students


• Communication Skills Lab • Theatre Pedagogy • Life Skills Training • Human Values Development • Cracking TET Exam • Promotion of Social Responsibility • Promotion of Women Empowerment