Care for Nature in Jesuit Chennai Province

February 26, 2025
By S. Maria Packiam, SJ – Coordinator, Ecology Commission, Chennai Province
The lifestyle of the Jesuits of the Chennai Province is deeply eco-friendly, fostering a harmonious relationship with both nature and people. There is a continuous effort tointegrate eco-consciousness into all ministries, emphasizing environmental justice, sustainability, and solidarity with marginalized communities, especially those disproportionately impacted by ecological crises.
Eco-friendly Spirituality
Within the Province, Retreat centres like Dhyana Ashram in Chennai, Kizhakottaiyur, Mettupalayam, Ooty, and other Jesuit communities foster spiritual connections with nature through Ignatian retreats, encouraging gratitude for God’s presence in creation and helping Jesuits and collaborators develop an openness to ecological concerns.
Eco-friendly Formation
Scholastics and young priests are being trained to deepen their understanding of God in Nature and Nature in God. Scholastics and priests engage in environmental studies, eco-workshops, and partnerships with NGOs/government bodies to deepen their ecological awareness and advocacy.

Eco-friendly Lifestyle
The members of the Province regularly conduct audits on energy use, waste management, water quality, and biodiversity at both community and institutional levels.The diversity of flora and fauna within Jesuit campuses and ministry areas is also periodically assessed. Best eco-friendly practices are shared with Jesuits, collaborators, and other institutions, promoting greater care and concern for the environment.
Eco-friendly Institutions
Loyola Colleges in Chennai, along with Mettala and Vettavalam in Tamil Nadu, India, are dedicated to protecting the environment and fostering care for nature among staff, students, and neighbouring communities through various outreach and internship programmes. Some of the initiatives include the extraction of biogas from kitchen waste, the production of bio-manure from garden waste, generating electricity using solar power, increasing groundwater levels through hundreds of rechargeable wells, empty bore wells, and wells on campus, recycling sewage water, promoting native tree and flowering plant varieties, developing an environmentally-based curriculum, and supporting environmental awareness programs and research.
Eco-friendly Research
Loyola Institute of Frontier Energy (LIFE) and Entomology Research Institute (ERI) pioneer eco-solutions like PONNEM (a patented bio-pesticide) and herbal sanitizers. Their work supports sustainable agriculture and public health, with patents awarded for innovative green technologies. During the Covid-19 outbreak,ERI also scientifically developed herbal hand sanitizers and surface cleaners. Through these efforts, the Chennai Jesuits model a holistic commitment to ecological stewardship, blending spirituality, education, and science for a sustainable future.

Other Green Initiatives
Water scarcity is a significant crisis in India, exacerbated by climate change and population growth. In many poor and marginalized communities, access to good, clean water is an ongoing challenge. In response to this water crisis, the Chennai Jesuitsthrough its institutions, has implemented innovative measures for managing water resources in northern Tamil Nadu. This includes utilizing open wells, bore wells, unused open and bore wells, special recharge wells, and closed and open tanks for rainwater harvesting to enhance groundwater resources.
i) Wastewater Recycling
The wastewater generated by Loyola College (LC), Loyola College of Education (LCE), Loyola Institutions of Business Administration (LIBA), Loyola-ICAM Engineering College of Technology (LICT), four hostels, and two Jesuit residences is recycled in three Loyola Sewage Water Treatment Plants (STPs). Every day, more than one million litres of wastewater is eco-friendly recycled for secondary purposes, such as gardening, construction, and cooling systems. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board and the University of Madras periodically assess these green initiatives.
ii) Rainwater Harvesting
India’s annual average rainfall is higher than the global average; however, most rainwater flows away rapidly, leaving little for vegetation or groundwater recharge. Urbanization has further restricted water penetration into the ground. In response to this, the Jesuit Province uses unique and innovative methods for harvesting rainwater in line with the Province Apostolic Preferences (PAPs). Rainwater is collected and stored in closed and open sumps, and groundwater is recharged using old and newly established open and bore wells. Additionally, channels have been created to effectively collect rainwater and minimize runoff into drainage systems.

iii) Solar Energy
Over 35% of electricity is sourced from solar panels installed on campuses through a partnership with Solar for Schools from Germany.
iv) Biogas from Waste
Kitchen waste is converted into biogas for cooking, while sludge and garden waste become bio-manure, embodying the “Wealth from Waste” principle.
Community Involvement
To preserve and protect the environment and safeguard the rights of those affected by environmental degradation, the Province Apostolic Preferences (PAPs) strengthens outreach programs to reach neighbouring communities, especially the poorest among the Dalits, migrants, and slum dwellers.
Social Watch-Tamil Nadu (SW-TN) serves as a state-level public policy research and advocacy centre in Tamil Nadu, South India. Social equity is the central concern of SW-TN. The centre undertakes various research and advocacy initiatives focusing on socio-ecological issues by collaborating with policymakers, social researchers, and grassroots human rights movements both within the state and beyond. These efforts aim to ensure social equity by linking public policy to the livelihood rights of marginalized groups, such as Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, women, and children.