JEMCEN -Inauguration

July 6, 2022
Dear friends
Today evening we were glad to inaugurate JEMCEN (JEsuit Media CENter) at Queen of Angels premises, Keelakottaiyur. Fr. Ignatius V, the charismatic Founder of this premises heartily welcomed the new initiative of the Province. He blessed the new Office and Fr. Jebamalairaja, the Provincial, inaugurated the office by cutting the ribbon. A set of six inspirational slides on St. Ignatius was released, being the 6th of July, to commemorate this event. The Digital versions the same are given below. Fr. Iruthayaraj, the outgoing Director of JEMCEN welcomed the gathering. Fr. Pugazhendhi, the new Director of the Center thanked the gathering. Frs. Ilanko, Soosai Sebastian, Vedhanaygaam, Devadhas M, Darwin, Igni, Vasanth and Sahayaraj V were the other dignitaries present. The event ended with a grand tiffin and tea. A special thanks to all those who made this event possible.
Fr. Pugazhendhi SJ