Golden Jubilee – Summer School of Carnatic Music (SSCM)

June 16, 2024
From 6 to 22 May, the 50th SSCM was conducted in Satya Nilayam, Chennai. In all 55 students from 12 Dioceses from Tamil Nadu, one each from Bangalore and Austin (Texas) Dioceses participated.
On 22 May, the Golden Jubilee celebration of the SSCM and the valedictory function of the same was celebrated in Satya Nilayam. Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, our Provincial celebrated the Jubilee Mass in the morning. Presiding over the Golden Jubilee celebrations, he opened the portrait of Sangeeta Vidwan, Kalai Mamani Dr. Fr. P. T. Chelladurai SJ, the founder of the SSCM and offered a floral tribute. He also honoured the Music Teachers who have served for over 40 years and 30 years in the SSCM with a shawl, sandal garland and a Golden Jubilee shield.
Fr. Michael Amaladoss, the great composer and theologian and Fr. L. X. Jerome, the Socius to the Provincial of MDU, who are Musical exponents of Liturgical Music, gave away the Arul Isai Mani and Arul Isai Ratna titles and certificates to the final year students. Fr. Boniface Panna (MAP), the Rector and Fr. Anthonyraj P. (JAM), Minister of Satya Nilayam gave away the mementos to all the students who participated this year. We are grateful to the Satya Nilayam Community for facilitating the SSCM for the past 40 years.
Fr. Wenishraj R. gave a concert followed by the students’ singing. There were 210 people for the Jubilee celebrations. There was a festive Jubilee dinner after the stage performances.
Wenishraj Rayappan